Packaging is essential to any product’s success and food and beverage packaging comes in all sorts of forms and shapes. Plastics and foil wrap are literally dozens of ways for you to package foods.
Packaging  带窗自立袋(stand up pouches with a window) has many advantages: resalable, enclosable, can stand, can be folded before being filled, an environment friendly, light weight packaging, low shipping cost, saving storage space, covered a variety of laminates, printed or affixed labels easily, easily packed, exclusive appearance, can be used for different types of foods and drinks, to protect products very well, as well as many other advantages.
Packaging stand up pouches with window is a model pack that is sought by the food manufacturers because of the transparent window that adorns Stand Up Pouch. Window functions to show the form of the product contained in the packaging.

With the transparent window in your packaging, so consumers can see the product in advance the contents of the package before buying it. Opportunities that you give to consumers to "look deeper before buying" will certainly bring forth a good impression in the eyes of consumers, because consumers no longer buy a cat in a dark sack.
If people wish to see your product whether it’s liquid or solid, your packaging can be fashioned by a transparent window so people can easily see the product.

 带窗自立袋(Stand up pouches with a window) has mainly two types:

1] Stand up pouch -no valve
2] Stand up pouch-with valve

Packaging stand up pouches with window best quality with oval shape Packaging Stand up Pouch with Oval Window and also with a zipper which serves to maintain product quality in packaging and as a clip to open and close the packaging. Oval means egg shaped window. Oval windows bags are normal bags for an example like stand up pouches or packages. Oval bags have one of the best feature that customers or users can see inner products from that oval window. It is a trick to attract customers at your packaging bags.

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